1. 27 Dec, 2015 2 commits
    • HeinrichAD's avatar
      Revert "Add Feature to use Customer/ Private Fonts." · a7097113
      HeinrichAD authored
      This reverts commit 480a54d8.
    • HeinrichAD's avatar
      Add Feature to use Customer/ Private Fonts. · 480a54d8
      HeinrichAD authored
      Based on Issue #204.
      Now users can add customer fonts/ private fonts to
      Unit Test:
      Add Test: PrivateFontsTest
      Add Resources from PrivateFontsTest.
      Add SvgTestHelper
      Change MultiThreadingTest, now based on SvgTestHelper to use shared code
      (no code duplication)
      MuliThreadingTest TestFile is not available. The vvvv/master should add
      the test file to the resources or other developer can not test the svg
  2. 20 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • HeinrichAD's avatar
      Add: shape-rendering; Fix: CurrentCulture · 7894ea9e
      HeinrichAD authored
      Now the application make sure to set back the old culture even an error
      Attribute: "shape-rendering"
      - Many other properties were unknowingly overloaded. I changed them to
      - Some methods or structures need the [CLSCompliant(false)] Attribute.
      For example the Enums.TryParse extension. This extension has the where
      condition IConvertible. IConvertible is [CLSCompliant(false)] and that
      the reason why it is correct to mark the Enums.TryParse extension also
      as [CLSCompliant(false)].
      - Property "float Opacity" in SvgElement was unknowingly overloaded in
      SvgGradientStop as string [stop-opacity]. In the end this property was
      only used as float. I changed the SvgGradientStop.Opacity property from
      string to float and to override.
  3. 26 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Gertjan van Heertum's avatar
      Fixed problems when running in multiple threads. The use of a static matrix... · 3838e721
      Gertjan van Heertum authored
      Fixed problems when running in multiple threads. The use of a static matrix and the use of StringFormat.GenericTypographic seemed to cause problems when used in multi-threading. This is resolved by making the matrix non static and use a copy of the StringFormat.
      Also created a new exception for memory overflows. When using multithreading to render a large amount of big images the bitmap creation can fail (due to memory allocation) throwing an error. This is now caught and a specific exception is thrown.
  4. 20 Aug, 2015 2 commits