1. 26 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Gertjan van Heertum's avatar
      Fixed problems when running in multiple threads. The use of a static matrix... · 3838e721
      Gertjan van Heertum authored
      Fixed problems when running in multiple threads. The use of a static matrix and the use of StringFormat.GenericTypographic seemed to cause problems when used in multi-threading. This is resolved by making the matrix non static and use a copy of the StringFormat.
      Also created a new exception for memory overflows. When using multithreading to render a large amount of big images the bitmap creation can fail (due to memory allocation) throwing an error. This is now caught and a specific exception is thrown.
  2. 20 Aug, 2015 2 commits
  3. 04 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Refactoring while working through W3C tests · d5c659a5
      Eric Domke authored
      - Adding W3C test cases and a test fixture
      - Fixed support for CSS stylesheets (particularly when class names are
      - Refactoring unit calculations so that percentages and fractions
      calculate more accurately
      - SvgImage:
      - Support PreserveAspectRatio attribute
      - Support for referencing svg images
      - Refactored text rendering to use the AttributeCollection inheritance
      - Initial attempt at 'ex' unit support
      - Added support for system color names
      - Changed parsing of entities to support XML entities
      - Supporting loading of a svg document directly from a XmlDocument with
      requiring serializing the document as a string first.
      - ...