1. 25 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  2. 20 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • HeinrichAD's avatar
      Add: shape-rendering; Fix: CurrentCulture · 7894ea9e
      HeinrichAD authored
      Now the application make sure to set back the old culture even an error
      Attribute: "shape-rendering"
      - Many other properties were unknowingly overloaded. I changed them to
      - Some methods or structures need the [CLSCompliant(false)] Attribute.
      For example the Enums.TryParse extension. This extension has the where
      condition IConvertible. IConvertible is [CLSCompliant(false)] and that
      the reason why it is correct to mark the Enums.TryParse extension also
      as [CLSCompliant(false)].
      - Property "float Opacity" in SvgElement was unknowingly overloaded in
      SvgGradientStop as string [stop-opacity]. In the end this property was
      only used as float. I changed the SvgGradientStop.Opacity property from
      string to float and to override.
  3. 26 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Gertjan van Heertum's avatar
      Fixed problems when running in multiple threads. The use of a static matrix... · 3838e721
      Gertjan van Heertum authored
      Fixed problems when running in multiple threads. The use of a static matrix and the use of StringFormat.GenericTypographic seemed to cause problems when used in multi-threading. This is resolved by making the matrix non static and use a copy of the StringFormat.
      Also created a new exception for memory overflows. When using multithreading to render a large amount of big images the bitmap creation can fail (due to memory allocation) throwing an error. This is now caught and a specific exception is thrown.
  4. 20 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  5. 29 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  6. 27 Jul, 2015 1 commit
  7. 03 Apr, 2015 2 commits
  8. 23 Mar, 2015 1 commit
  9. 11 Feb, 2015 2 commits
  10. 09 Jan, 2015 1 commit
  11. 05 Dec, 2014 1 commit
  12. 14 Sep, 2014 1 commit
  13. 23 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Gradient, Pattern, and Clip Fixes · 3f4ee333
      Eric Domke authored
      - Better parser for dealing with parsing edge cases
      - Fix corner radius for rectangles
      - Fix to gradients.  Most tests now pass
      - Add the possibility for a fallback paint server
      - Initial fixes to clipping
      - Start marking passed test
      - Fixes to pattern rendering
  14. 18 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Bug Fixes · 46e375e4
      Eric Domke authored
      - Fixing path parsing algorithm to deal with nuanced arc cases and
      hopefully improve performance
      - Attempts at better memory management
      - Working toward getting symbols to render correctly
  15. 17 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Text on a Path & SVG Fonts · 7c70bd11
      Eric Domke authored
      - Extraction interface for SvgRenderer
      - Initial support for Text on a Path
      - Initial support for Svg Fonts
      - Support for symbol element
      - Minor bug fixes with image pattern rendering
      - Additional support for Text whitespace modes
  16. 04 Aug, 2014 2 commits
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Bug Fixes · 2187be3e
      Eric Domke authored
      - Remove WPF dependency
      - Fix compilation error after merge
      - Add support for underline and strike through
      - Fix whitespace handling with text rendering
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Refactoring while working through W3C tests · d5c659a5
      Eric Domke authored
      - Adding W3C test cases and a test fixture
      - Fixed support for CSS stylesheets (particularly when class names are
      - Refactoring unit calculations so that percentages and fractions
      calculate more accurately
      - SvgImage:
      - Support PreserveAspectRatio attribute
      - Support for referencing svg images
      - Refactored text rendering to use the AttributeCollection inheritance
      - Initial attempt at 'ex' unit support
      - Added support for system color names
      - Changed parsing of entities to support XML entities
      - Supporting loading of a svg document directly from a XmlDocument with
      requiring serializing the document as a string first.
      - ...
  17. 01 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      CSS Support · 3aedd8e8
      Eric Domke authored
      - Very initial support of CSS stylesheets in the SVG via including the
      ExCss and Fizzler libraries
      - Bug fixes with path rendering
      - Improvements to the API for loading an SVG file
  18. 25 Jul, 2014 1 commit
  19. 24 Jul, 2014 3 commits
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Various Parsing Bug Fixes · f10b0336
      Eric Domke authored
      - Implemented .Net 3.5 support mostly by removing ISvgEventCaller
      functionality in .Net 3.5 build
      - Added ability to parse colors such as rgb(#%, #%, #%)
      - Fix issues with calculating the next coordinate after a close figure
      and a relative move
      - Allow the std. deviation in a gaussian blur to be a float.
      - Allow "none" for a unit collection
      - Allow gradients to reference other gradients defined later in the SVG
      - Fix href attribute bug on the SVG use element
      - Adding a descendants convenience methods (similar to the Xml to Linq
      - Removed non-functional property from the SvgDescription class to
      encourage use of the Content property instead
    • James Welle's avatar
      Gradient Improvements · 9e269139
      James Welle authored
      - Added support for the "gradientTransform" attribute on both linear and
        radial gradients. The matrix in this attribute needs to be applied to
        attributes with coordinate values on the gradient element in order to
        transform them into the correct coordinate space.
      - Added support for a value of "pad" for the "spreadMode" attribute on
        both linear and radial gradients. This is the default value but was not
        implemented correctly. In order to implement, we examine the properties
        of the gradient along with the element to which the gradient is being
        applied to determine if we need to expand the bounds of the gradient to
        fill the element. If so, we do so and adjust the color stops and
        positions so they are correct for the new gradient bounds.
      - Divided ISvgStylable into ISvgBoundable and ISvgStylable. The
        SvgUnit.ToDeviceValue method just needs bounds so it can take
        ISvgBoundable. Moved SvgDocument.GetDimensions() to SvgFragment and made
        SvgFragment ISvgBoundable.
      - Fixed a bug in SvgFragment.PushTransforms where it was calling the
        SvgUnit.ToDeviceValue overload that takes no parameters. This overload
        doesn't work if the value being converted is a percentage. (The overload
        should probably be removed entirely, but we didn't take that on in this
      - Fixed an issue in SvgGroup.Bounds where a child with empty bounds would
        cause the group's bounds to be reported as empty.
      - Fixed broken build by adding missing SvgMarker.MarkerUnits property.
      - Converted files that we touched with mixed tabs and spaces to spaces.
        Also removed unused usings from files we touched.
      - Converted SvgLinearGradientServer to use properties without backing
        fields for X1, Y1, etc. in order to match SvgRadialGradientServer.
      - Moved default value assignments into constructors for consistency.
    • Tebjan Halm's avatar
  20. 14 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • James Welle's avatar
      Gradient Improvements · 3987f281
      James Welle authored
      - Added support for the "gradientTransform" attribute on both linear and
        radial gradients. The matrix in this attribute needs to be applied to
        attributes with coordinate values on the gradient element in order to
        transform them into the correct coordinate space.
      - Added support for a value of "pad" for the "spreadMode" attribute on
        both linear and radial gradients. This is the default value but was not
        implemented correctly. In order to implement, we examine the properties
        of the gradient along with the element to which the gradient is being
        applied to determine if we need to expand the bounds of the gradient to
        fill the element. If so, we do so and adjust the color stops and
        positions so they are correct for the new gradient bounds.
      - Divided ISvgStylable into ISvgBoundable and ISvgStylable. The
        SvgUnit.ToDeviceValue method just needs bounds so it can take
        ISvgBoundable. Moved SvgDocument.GetDimensions() to SvgFragment and made
        SvgFragment ISvgBoundable.
      - Fixed a bug in SvgFragment.PushTransforms where it was calling the
        SvgUnit.ToDeviceValue overload that takes no parameters. This overload
        doesn't work if the value being converted is a percentage. (The overload
        should probably be removed entirely, but we didn't take that on in this
      - Fixed an issue in SvgGroup.Bounds where a child with empty bounds would
        cause the group's bounds to be reported as empty.
      - Fixed broken build by adding missing SvgMarker.MarkerUnits property.
      - Converted files that we touched with mixed tabs and spaces to spaces.
        Also removed unused usings from files we touched.
      - Converted SvgLinearGradientServer to use properties without backing
        fields for X1, Y1, etc. in order to match SvgRadialGradientServer.
      - Moved default value assignments into constructors for consistency.
  21. 02 Jul, 2014 1 commit
  22. 01 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Descendants Extension and Metadata Tweaks · 1f36e015
      Eric Domke authored
      - Adding a descendants convenience methods (similar to the Xml to Linq
      - Removed non-functional property from the SvgDescription class to
      encourage use of the Content property instead
      - Added unit test project for unit test of new functionality.
  23. 28 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  24. 27 Jun, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      .Net 3.5 Support and Marker Fixes · 14a3b6a9
      Eric Domke authored
      - Implemented .Net 3.5 support mostly by removing ISvgEventCaller
      functionality in .Net 3.5 build
      - Added ability to parse orient="auto"
      - Added ability to parse colors such as rgb(#%, #%, #%)
      - Fixed marker rendering implementation
  25. 17 Jun, 2014 1 commit
    • Guymestef's avatar
      Reading EntityReference on open when use as a node · 87e25aa7
      Guymestef authored
      Read EntityReference node and add it to the SvgDocument.
      <?xml version="1.0"?>
      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="800px" height="800px">
          <rect width="200px" height="200px" fill="black" />
          <text x="100px" y="100px" font-family="Verdana" font-size="24" fill="white" text-anchor="middle">&name;</text>
  26. 12 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  27. 26 Feb, 2014 1 commit
  28. 17 Nov, 2013 1 commit
  29. 30 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  30. 11 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  31. 08 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  32. 19 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • G Money's avatar
      - Made Deepcopy change to all elements to allow for duplicating part of the Svg document tree · 094c0b1a
      G Money authored
      - Changes to get texts displaying bold / normal weight
      - Changes to get textspans work correctly
      - Made (semi-hardcoded) document metadata section - allow reading and regurgitating metdata tag from an original source document
      - Included image
      - Modified paths to allow for scientific notation
      - Included ability to have markers for path ends (arrow ends etc)
  33. 24 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  34. 02 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  35. 11 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Tebjan Halm's avatar
      * implemented fill modes · 6998823a
      Tebjan Halm authored
      * fill can be null -> none in XML
      * added type converters for enums
      * added type converter for unitcollection
      * fixes several viewbox bugs
      * document can now draw into a given bitmap
      * content of SVG tag is written (used by the text tag)
      * changed font handling in text element, still need proper alignment
      * changed intersparse character of SvgTransformConverter.cs to space, because inkscape couldn't parse comma
      * added class diagram for basic shapes