1. 24 Jul, 2014 2 commits
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Various Parsing Bug Fixes · f10b0336
      Eric Domke authored
      - Implemented .Net 3.5 support mostly by removing ISvgEventCaller
      functionality in .Net 3.5 build
      - Added ability to parse colors such as rgb(#%, #%, #%)
      - Fix issues with calculating the next coordinate after a close figure
      and a relative move
      - Allow the std. deviation in a gaussian blur to be a float.
      - Allow "none" for a unit collection
      - Allow gradients to reference other gradients defined later in the SVG
      - Fix href attribute bug on the SVG use element
      - Adding a descendants convenience methods (similar to the Xml to Linq
      - Removed non-functional property from the SvgDescription class to
      encourage use of the Content property instead
    • Tebjan Halm's avatar
  2. 02 Jul, 2014 1 commit
  3. 01 Jul, 2014 1 commit
    • Eric Domke's avatar
      Descendants Extension and Metadata Tweaks · 1f36e015
      Eric Domke authored
      - Adding a descendants convenience methods (similar to the Xml to Linq
      - Removed non-functional property from the SvgDescription class to
      encourage use of the Content property instead
      - Added unit test project for unit test of new functionality.
  4. 19 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • G Money's avatar
      - Made Deepcopy change to all elements to allow for duplicating part of the Svg document tree · 094c0b1a
      G Money authored
      - Changes to get texts displaying bold / normal weight
      - Changes to get textspans work correctly
      - Made (semi-hardcoded) document metadata section - allow reading and regurgitating metdata tag from an original source document
      - Included image
      - Modified paths to allow for scientific notation
      - Included ability to have markers for path ends (arrow ends etc)
  5. 04 Mar, 2010 1 commit
  6. 20 Dec, 2008 1 commit
  7. 07 Mar, 2008 1 commit