Commit ded01d09 authored by Tebjan Halm's avatar Tebjan Halm
Browse files

Merge pull request #19 from slavashar/master

Fixes simultaneously rendering multiple images
parents f8a16fd4 47334a9d
Showing with 6 additions and 1 deletion
+6 -1
......@@ -296,7 +296,12 @@ namespace Svg
private void DrawString(GraphicsPath path, SvgUnit x, SvgUnit y, SvgUnit dx, SvgUnit dy, Font font, float fontSize, string text)
PointF location = PointF.Empty;
SizeF stringBounds = _stringMeasure.MeasureString(text, font);
SizeF stringBounds;
lock (_stringMeasure)
stringBounds = _stringMeasure.MeasureString(text, font);
float xToDevice = x.ToDeviceValue(this) + dx.ToDeviceValue(this);
float yToDevice = y.ToDeviceValue(this, true) + dy.ToDeviceValue(this, true);
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