• Eric Domke's avatar
    Serialization Bug Fixes · ec0cf19d
    Eric Domke authored
    Added parameter to the SvgAttribute indicating whether the storage is
    the _attribute dictionary.  If true, the output will only be serialized
    only if the key is in the dictionary.  This structure is an alternate to
    the SvgDefinitionDefaults class.
ISvgStylable.cs 942 bytes
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
namespace Svg
    /// <summary>
    /// Defines the methods and properties required for an SVG element to be styled.
    /// </summary>
    public interface ISvgStylable
        SvgPaintServer Fill { get; set; }
        SvgPaintServer Stroke { get; set; }
        SvgFillRule FillRule { get; set; }
        float Opacity { get; set; }
        float FillOpacity { get; set; }
        float StrokeOpacity { get; set; }
        SvgUnit StrokeWidth { get; set; }
        SvgStrokeLineCap StrokeLineCap { get; set; }
        SvgStrokeLineJoin StrokeLineJoin { get; set; }
        float StrokeMiterLimit { get; set; }
        SvgUnit[] StrokeDashArray { get; set; }
        SvgUnit StrokeDashOffset { get; set; }
        GraphicsPath Path { get; }
        RectangleF Bounds { get; }