"...Release/git@s-devrep.domain.ft:importedprojects/SVG.git" did not exist on "1f36e015c37d662c7b13afd92608f2237749f762"
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Descendants Extension and Metadata Tweaks
Eric Domke authored
- Adding a descendants convenience methods (similar to the Xml to Linq
- Removed non-functional property from the SvgDescription class to
encourage use of the Content property instead
- Added unit test project for unit test of new functionality.


Public fork of the C# SVG rendering library on codeplex: https://svg.codeplex.com/

This started out as a minor modification to enable the writing of proper SVG strings. But now after almost two years we have so many fixes and improvements that we decided to share our current codebase to the public in order to improve it even further.

So please feel free to fork it and open pull requests for any fix, improvement or feature you add.

Microsoft Public License: https://svg.codeplex.com/license

It is also available via Nuget:

PM> Install-Package Svg