using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Svg.UnitTests
/// Test class to test bounds for elements without vs. with transformations
/// (see issue 281). Only some basic elements are tested - this should be sufficient
/// to verify the functionality for all path-based elements.
public class BoundsTests : SvgTestHelper
private const string BoundsTestSvg = "Issue281_Bounds.BoundsTest.svg";
private static SvgDocument testDocument;
public void TestLineBounds()
// x1="10" x2="30" y1="20" y2="40", default line thickness is 1
AssertEqualBounds("line", 9.5f, 19.5f, 21, 21);
// additional translation(5, 5)
AssertEqualBounds("line-xlate", 14.5f, 24.5f, 21, 21);
// additional rotation(180) and translation(-50, 0)
AssertEqualBounds("line-xform", 19.5f, -40.5f, 21, 21);
public void TestRectangleBounds()
// x="10" y="30" width="10" height="20"
AssertEqualBounds("rect", 9.5f, 29.5f, 10.5f, 20.5f);
// additional translation(10, 10)
AssertEqualBounds("rect-xlate", 19.5f, 39.5f, 10.5f, 20.5f);
// additional rotation(90)
AssertEqualBounds("rect-rot", -50, 9.5f, 20.5f, 10.5f);
public void TestGroupBounds()
// all lines from TestLineBounds()
AssertEqualBounds("lines", 9.5f, -40.5f, 31, 86);
// all rectangles from TestRectangleBounds()
AssertEqualBounds("rects", -50f, 9.5f, 80, 50.5f);
public void TestTranslatedGroupBounds()
AssertEqualBounds("lines-translated", -12.5f, -7, 31, 86);
public void TestScaledGroupBounds()
AssertEqualBounds("lines-scaled", 19, -81, 62, 172);
public void TestRotatedGroupBounds()
AssertEqualBounds("lines-rotated", -45.5f, 9.5f, 86, 31);
private void AssertEqualBounds(string elementId, float x, float y, float width, float height)
const float Epsilon = 0.01f;
var element = GetElement(elementId);
var elementBounds = element.Bounds;
Assert.AreEqual(x, elementBounds.X, Epsilon);
Assert.AreEqual(y, elementBounds.Y, Epsilon);
Assert.AreEqual(width, elementBounds.Width, Epsilon);
Assert.AreEqual(height, elementBounds.Height, Epsilon);
private SvgVisualElement GetElement(string elementId)
if (testDocument == null)
testDocument = OpenSvg(GetXMLDocFromResource(GetFullResourceString(BoundsTestSvg)));
return testDocument.GetElementById(elementId);