using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Text; namespace Svg { /// /// Convenience wrapper around a graphics object /// public sealed class SvgRenderer : IDisposable { private Graphics _innerGraphics; private Stack _boundables = new Stack(); public void Boundable(ISvgBoundable boundable) { _boundables.Push(boundable); } public ISvgBoundable Boundable() { return _boundables.Peek(); } public ISvgBoundable PopBoundable() { return _boundables.Pop(); } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// private SvgRenderer() { } public Region Clip { get { return this._innerGraphics.Clip; } set { this._innerGraphics.Clip = value; } } /// /// Creates a new from the specified . /// /// from which to create the new . public static SvgRenderer FromImage(Image image) { SvgRenderer renderer = new SvgRenderer(); renderer._innerGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(image); return renderer; } /// /// Creates a new from the specified . /// /// The to create the renderer from. public static SvgRenderer FromGraphics(Graphics graphics) { SvgRenderer renderer = new SvgRenderer(); renderer._innerGraphics = graphics; return renderer; } public static SvgRenderer FromNull() { SvgRenderer renderer = new SvgRenderer(); var img = new Bitmap(1, 1); renderer._innerGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(img); return renderer; } public void DrawImageUnscaled(Image image, Point location) { this._innerGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(image, location); } public void DrawImage(Image image, RectangleF destRect, RectangleF srcRect, GraphicsUnit graphicsUnit) { _innerGraphics.DrawImage(image, destRect, srcRect, graphicsUnit); } public void AddClip(Region region) { this._innerGraphics.SetClip(region, CombineMode.Intersect); } public void SetClip(Region region) { this._innerGraphics.SetClip(region, CombineMode.Replace); } public void FillPath(Brush brush, GraphicsPath path) { this._innerGraphics.FillPath(brush, path); } public void DrawPath(Pen pen, GraphicsPath path) { this._innerGraphics.DrawPath(pen, path); } public void RotateTransform(float fAngle, MatrixOrder order) { this._innerGraphics.RotateTransform(fAngle, order); } public void RotateTransform(float fAngle) { this.RotateTransform(fAngle, MatrixOrder.Append); } public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy, MatrixOrder order) { this._innerGraphics.TranslateTransform(dx, dy, order); } public void TranslateTransform(float dx, float dy) { this.TranslateTransform(dx, dy, MatrixOrder.Append); } public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy, MatrixOrder order) { this._innerGraphics.ScaleTransform(sx, sy, order); } public void ScaleTransform(float sx, float sy) { this.ScaleTransform(sx, sy, MatrixOrder.Append); } public SmoothingMode SmoothingMode { get { return this._innerGraphics.SmoothingMode; } set { this._innerGraphics.SmoothingMode = value; } } public PixelOffsetMode PixelOffsetMode { get { return this._innerGraphics.PixelOffsetMode; } set { this._innerGraphics.PixelOffsetMode = value; } } public CompositingQuality CompositingQuality { get { return this._innerGraphics.CompositingQuality; } set { this._innerGraphics.CompositingQuality = value; } } public TextRenderingHint TextRenderingHint { get { return this._innerGraphics.TextRenderingHint; } set { this._innerGraphics.TextRenderingHint = value; } } public int TextContrast { get { return this._innerGraphics.TextContrast; } set { this._innerGraphics.TextContrast = value; } } public Matrix Transform { get { return this._innerGraphics.Transform; } set { this._innerGraphics.Transform = value; } } public void Save() { this._innerGraphics.Save(); } public void Dispose() { this._innerGraphics.Dispose(); } public SizeF MeasureString(string text, Font font) { var ff = font.FontFamily; //Baseline calculation to match float ascent = ff.GetCellAscent(font.Style); float baselineOffset = font.SizeInPoints / ff.GetEmHeight(font.Style) * ascent; float baselineOffsetPixels = this._innerGraphics.DpiY / 72f * baselineOffset; StringFormat format = StringFormat.GenericTypographic; format.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(new CharacterRange[]{new CharacterRange(0, text.Length)}); format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; Region[] r = this._innerGraphics.MeasureCharacterRanges(text, font, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 1000), format); RectangleF rect = r[0].GetBounds(this._innerGraphics); return new SizeF(rect.Width, baselineOffsetPixels); } } }