using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
namespace Svg
public sealed class SvgColourServer : SvgPaintServer
/// An unspecified .
public static readonly SvgPaintServer NotSet = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
/// A that should inherit from its parent.
public static readonly SvgPaintServer Inherit = new SvgColourServer(System.Drawing.Color.Black);
public SvgColourServer()
: this(System.Drawing.Color.Black)
public SvgColourServer(Color colour)
this._colour = colour;
private Color _colour;
public Color Colour
get { return this._colour; }
set { this._colour = value; }
public override Brush GetBrush(SvgVisualElement styleOwner, ISvgRenderer renderer, float opacity, bool forStroke = false)
//is none?
if (this == SvgPaintServer.None) return new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.Transparent);
int alpha = (int)((opacity * (this.Colour.A/255.0f) ) * 255);
Color colour = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(alpha, this.Colour);
return new SolidBrush(colour);
public override string ToString()
if(this == SvgPaintServer.None)
return "none";
else if(this == SvgColourServer.NotSet)
return "";
Color c = this.Colour;
// Return the name if it exists
if (c.IsKnownColor)
return c.Name;
// Return the hex value
return String.Format("#{0}", c.ToArgb().ToString("x").Substring(2));
public override SvgElement DeepCopy()
return DeepCopy();
public override SvgElement DeepCopy()
var newObj = base.DeepCopy() as SvgColourServer;
newObj.Colour = this.Colour;
return newObj;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var objColor = obj as SvgColourServer;
if (objColor == null)
return false;
if ((this == SvgPaintServer.None && obj != SvgPaintServer.None) ||
(this != SvgPaintServer.None && obj == SvgPaintServer.None) ||
(this == SvgColourServer.NotSet && obj != SvgColourServer.NotSet) ||
(this != SvgColourServer.NotSet && obj == SvgColourServer.NotSet) ||
(this == SvgColourServer.Inherit && obj != SvgColourServer.Inherit) ||
(this != SvgColourServer.Inherit && obj == SvgColourServer.Inherit)) return false;
return this.GetHashCode() == objColor.GetHashCode();
public override int GetHashCode()
return _colour.GetHashCode();