using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using Svg.Transforms;
namespace Svg
/// Represents and SVG rectangle that could also have reounded edges.
public class SvgRectangle : SvgVisualElement
private SvgUnit _cornerRadiusX;
private SvgUnit _cornerRadiusY;
private SvgUnit _height;
private GraphicsPath _path;
private SvgUnit _width;
private SvgUnit _x;
private SvgUnit _y;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public SvgRectangle()
_width = new SvgUnit(0.0f);
_height = new SvgUnit(0.0f);
_cornerRadiusX = new SvgUnit(0.0f);
_cornerRadiusY = new SvgUnit(0.0f);
_x = new SvgUnit(0.0f);
_y = new SvgUnit(0.0f);
/// Gets an representing the top left point of the rectangle.
public SvgPoint Location
get { return new SvgPoint(X, Y); }
/// Gets or sets the position where the left point of the rectangle should start.
public SvgUnit X
get { return _x; }
_x = value;
IsPathDirty = true;
/// Gets or sets the position where the top point of the rectangle should start.
public SvgUnit Y
get { return _y; }
_y = value;
IsPathDirty = true;
/// Gets or sets the width of the rectangle.
public SvgUnit Width
get { return _width; }
_width = value;
IsPathDirty = true;
/// Gets or sets the height of the rectangle.
public SvgUnit Height
get { return _height; }
_height = value;
IsPathDirty = true;
/// Gets or sets the X-radius of the rounded edges of this rectangle.
public SvgUnit CornerRadiusX
// If ry has been set and rx hasn't, use it's value
if (_cornerRadiusX.Value == 0.0f && _cornerRadiusY.Value > 0.0f)
return _cornerRadiusY;
return _cornerRadiusX;
_cornerRadiusX = value;
IsPathDirty = true;
/// Gets or sets the Y-radius of the rounded edges of this rectangle.
public SvgUnit CornerRadiusY
// If rx has been set and ry hasn't, use it's value
if (_cornerRadiusY.Value == 0.0f && _cornerRadiusX.Value > 0.0f)
return _cornerRadiusX;
return _cornerRadiusY;
_cornerRadiusY = value;
IsPathDirty = true;
/// Gets or sets a value to determine if anti-aliasing should occur when the element is being rendered.
protected override bool RequiresSmoothRendering
get { return (CornerRadiusX.Value > 0 || CornerRadiusY.Value > 0); }
/// Gets the bounds of the element.
/// The bounds.
public override RectangleF Bounds
get { return Path.GetBounds(); }
/// Gets the for this element.
public override GraphicsPath Path
if (_path == null || IsPathDirty)
// If the corners aren't to be rounded just create a rectangle
if (CornerRadiusX.Value == 0.0f && CornerRadiusY.Value == 0.0f)
var rectangle = new RectangleF(Location.ToDeviceValue(),
new SizeF(Width.ToDeviceValue(), Height.ToDeviceValue()));
_path = new GraphicsPath();
_path = new GraphicsPath();
var arcBounds = new RectangleF();
var lineStart = new PointF();
var lineEnd = new PointF();
var width = Width.ToDeviceValue();
var height = Height.ToDeviceValue();
var rx = CornerRadiusX.ToDeviceValue() * 2;
var ry = CornerRadiusY.ToDeviceValue() * 2;
var location = Location.ToDeviceValue();
// Start
// Add first arc
arcBounds.Location = location;
arcBounds.Width = rx;
arcBounds.Height = ry;
_path.AddArc(arcBounds, 180, 90);
// Add first line
lineStart.X = Math.Min(location.X + rx, location.X + width * 0.5f);
lineStart.Y = location.Y;
lineEnd.X = Math.Max(location.X + width - rx, location.X + width * 0.5f);
lineEnd.Y = lineStart.Y;
_path.AddLine(lineStart, lineEnd);
// Add second arc
arcBounds.Location = new PointF(location.X + width - rx, location.Y);
_path.AddArc(arcBounds, 270, 90);
// Add second line
lineStart.X = location.X + width;
lineStart.Y = Math.Min(location.Y + ry, location.Y + height * 0.5f);
lineEnd.X = lineStart.X;
lineEnd.Y = Math.Max(location.Y + height - ry, location.Y + height * 0.5f);
_path.AddLine(lineStart, lineEnd);
// Add third arc
arcBounds.Location = new PointF(location.X + width - rx, location.Y + height - ry);
_path.AddArc(arcBounds, 0, 90);
// Add third line
lineStart.X = Math.Max(location.X + width - rx, location.X + width * 0.5f);
lineStart.Y = location.Y + height;
lineEnd.X = Math.Min(location.X + rx, location.X + width * 0.5f);
lineEnd.Y = lineStart.Y;
_path.AddLine(lineStart, lineEnd);
// Add third arc
arcBounds.Location = new PointF(location.X, location.Y + height - ry);
_path.AddArc(arcBounds, 90, 90);
// Add fourth line
lineStart.X = location.X;
lineStart.Y = Math.Max(location.Y + height - ry, location.Y + height * 0.5f);
lineEnd.X = lineStart.X;
lineEnd.Y = Math.Min(location.Y + ry, location.Y + height * 0.5f);
_path.AddLine(lineStart, lineEnd);
// Close
IsPathDirty = false;
return _path;
/// Renders the and contents to the specified object.
protected override void Render(SvgRenderer renderer)
if (Width.Value > 0.0f && Height.Value > 0.0f)
public override SvgElement DeepCopy()
return DeepCopy();
public override SvgElement DeepCopy()
var newObj = base.DeepCopy() as SvgRectangle;
newObj.CornerRadiusX = this.CornerRadiusX;
newObj.CornerRadiusY = this.CornerRadiusY;
newObj.Height = this.Height;
newObj.Width = this.Width;
newObj.X = this.X;
newObj.Y = this.Y;
return newObj;