Commit 9fc47d84 authored by mrbean-bremen's avatar mrbean-bremen Committed by mrbean-bremen
Browse files

Added handling of invalid color as default color

- adapted test to check for default value
- see #399
parent 326dae7c
......@@ -554,10 +554,13 @@ namespace Svg.ExCSS
HtmlColor htmlColor;
if(HtmlColor.TryFromHex(color, out htmlColor))
if (HtmlColor.TryFromHex(color, out htmlColor))
return AddTerm(htmlColor);
// the value is invalid - remove the property to use the default value
return false;
return true;
#region Namespace
......@@ -62,8 +62,29 @@ namespace Svg.UnitTests
public void Lexer_FileWithInvalidHex_ColorTagIsIgnored()
Assert.Inconclusive("This test fails due to a lexer error");
GenerateLexerTestFile("color: #0046;");
// valid colors
var doc = GenerateLexerTestFile("fill: #ff0000; stroke: #ffff00");
var path = doc.GetElementById<SvgPath>("path1");
Assert.AreEqual(System.Drawing.Color.Red, ((SvgColourServer)path.Fill).Colour);
Assert.AreEqual(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, ((SvgColourServer)path.Stroke).Colour);
// invalid/valid color combinations - default color is used for each invalid color
doc = GenerateLexerTestFile("fill: #ff00; stroke: #00ff00");
path = doc.GetElementById<SvgPath>("path1");
// default fill color is Black
Assert.AreEqual(System.Drawing.Color.Black, ((SvgColourServer)path.Fill).Colour);
Assert.AreEqual(System.Drawing.Color.Lime, ((SvgColourServer)path.Stroke).Colour);
doc = GenerateLexerTestFile("fill: #fff; stroke: 005577");
path = doc.GetElementById<SvgPath>("path1");
Assert.AreEqual(System.Drawing.Color.White, ((SvgColourServer)path.Fill).Colour);
// default stroke color is null (transparent)
doc = GenerateLexerTestFile("fill:; stroke: #00557;");
path = doc.GetElementById<SvgPath>("path1");
Assert.AreEqual(System.Drawing.Color.Black, ((SvgColourServer)path.Fill).Colour);
/// <summary>
<svg xmlns="" width="1092" height="453">
<style type="text/css">
.plot-zero {
<g transform="translate(40,20)" style="opacity: 1;">
<path class="plot-zero" d="M0,0 H1042" style="opacity: 0;"></path>
<path class="plot-zero" id="path1" d="M0,0 H1042"></path>
<path class="plot-now" d="" style="opacity: 0;"></path>
<clipPath id="clip-view-2">
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