Commit 535abaf8 authored by Tebjan Halm's avatar Tebjan Halm
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Merge pull request #90 from erdomke/master

Initial Work on W3C Test Compliance
parents 4b1ff3d4 bd05ecbc
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<table x:str border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=855 style='border-collapse:
<col width=143 style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4980;width:107pt'>
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<tr class=xl24 height=17 style='height:13.0pt'>
<td height=17 class=xl24 width=143 style='height:13.0pt;width:107pt'>Company</td>
<td class=xl24 width=173 style='width:130pt'>Person</td>
<td class=xl24 width=165 style='width:124pt'>Email</td>
<td class=xl24 width=177 style='width:133pt'>Old Filename</td>
<td class=xl24 width=133 style='width:100pt'>New Filename</td>
<td class=xl24 width=64 style='width:48pt'></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Ericsson</td>
<td>Mathias Larsson Carlander</td>
<td>Mathias.Carlander@era.eri<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'>extend-namespace-01-F</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Savage Software</td>
<td>Mike Bultrowicz</td>
<td>mbultrowicz@savagesoftwa<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>AGFA</td>
<td>Chris Tuijn</td>
<td>chris.tuijn.ct@belgium.agfa.<span style='display:none'>com</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Eastman Kodak</td>
<td>Thomas DeWeese</td>
<td>thomas.deweese@kodak.c<span style='display:none'>om</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Hewlett Packard</td>
<td>Lee Klosterman</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Openwave</td>
<td>Charles Ying</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'>metadata-example-01-F</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'>painting-markers-01-F</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'>painting-markers-02-F</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Schema Software Inc.</td>
<td>Philip Mansfield</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>CSIRO Australia</td>
<td>Dean Jackson</td>
<td>dean.jackson@cmis.csiro.a<span style='display:none'>u</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Canon</td>
<td>Jun Fujisawa</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Corel</td>
<td>Phil Armstrong</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Corel</td>
<td>Phil Armstrong</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>KDDI</td>
<td>Arei Kobayashi</td>
<td>arei_kobayasi@jmserv.kbip.<span style='display:none'></span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ILOG</td>
<td>Christophe Jolif</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Corel</td>
<td>Phil Armstrong</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>W3C</td>
<td>Chris Lilley</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Corel</td>
<td>Phil Armstrong</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Corel</td>
<td>Phil Armstrong</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Corel</td>
<td>Phil Armstrong</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Bitflash</td>
<td>Rick Graham</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>ZoomON AB</td>
<td>Ola Andersson</td>
<td><span style='display:none'>m</span></td>
<td class=xl25>styline-css-03-F</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<td class=xl25>text-align-01-F</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Adobe Systems Inc.</td>
<td>Jon Ferraiolo</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Nokia</td>
<td>Tolga Capin</td>
<tr height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>
<td height=17 style='height:12.5pt'>Sun Microsystems</td>
<td>Vincent Hardy</td>
<![if supportMisalignedColumns]>
<tr height=0 style='display:none'>
<td width=143 style='width:107pt'></td>
<td width=173 style='width:130pt'></td>
<td width=165 style='width:124pt'></td>
<td width=177 style='width:133pt'></td>
<td width=133 style='width:100pt'></td>
<td width=64 style='width:48pt'></td>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
<!--= Copyright 2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
<!--= Reserved. See =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- paths-data-01-f.svg -->
<!-- 1.1 revision by Christophe Jolif -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' -->
<!-- element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the cubic -->
<!-- Bezier curveto commands, C, c, S, s (plus Mm and Zz). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Author : Lofton Henderson, 29-Feb-2000 (based on work -->
<!-- of Mark Sgarlato, Adobe). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- History: -->
<!-- 29-Feb-2000, LRH, Ser#1 created. -->
<!-- 12-Mar-2000, LH, fix test-framing rect; ser#2 -->
<!-- 03-Aug-2000, LH: update DOCTYPE for CR DTD, 20000802" ser# . -->
<!-- 15-Nov-2000, LH: add missing test-body-content group. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!--= Note. After October 2000, revision history is kept as CVS 'commit' =-->
<!--= log messages, and therefore is no longer in the preceding preamble.=-->
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg-root" width="480" height="360">
<SVGTestCase xmlns="">
Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path'
element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the cubic
Bezier curveto commands, C, c, S, s (plus Mm and Zz).
There are 8 subtests, each composed from the cubic Bezier path commands per
the label by the subtest. On-curve control points (i.e., the curve position)
are marked by small blue squares. Subtests are filled, or stroked, or
both, using simple style properties and colors.
The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
The test uses the 'rect' element, as well as basic fill (solid primary colors),
stroke (primary color 1-pixel lines), font-family (Helvetica) and font-size properties.
<title id="test-title">paths-data-01-f</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' element and data (d) attribute in combination with the cubic Bezier curveto, both regular and shorthand/smooth forms - C, c, S, s (along with Mm and Zz).</desc>
<!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
<g id="test-body-content">
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- First Curve "X" that has subpath utilizing M, C, S, m, c, & s ======== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="100" y="14">Cubic bezier curves drawn with commands:</text>
<path id="X_curve_MCSmcs" fill="#FF0000" stroke="#00C000" d=" M 210 130 C 145 130 110 80 110 80 S 75 25 10 25 m 0 105 c 65 0 100 -50 100 -50 s 35 -55 100 -55 "/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ===================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="208" y="128" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="108" y="78" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="8" y="23" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="8" y="128" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="108" y="78" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="208" y="23" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="5" y="82">M, C, S, m, c, s</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Infinity using M, c, c, c, C & z ===================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Infinity_McccCz" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d=" M 240 90 c 0 30 7 50 50 0 c 43 -50 50 -30 50 0 c 0 83 -68 -34 -90 -30 C 240 60 240 90 240 90 z "/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="238" y="88" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="288" y="88" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="338" y="88" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="248" y="58" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="253" y="50">M, c, c, c, C, z</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Horizontal line utilizing M, C & Z =================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Line_MCZ" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M80 170 C100 170 160 170 180 170Z"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="78" y="168" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="178" y="168" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="110" y="190">M, C, Z</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Inverted V using M, C, c & Z ========================================= -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Inv_V_MCcZ" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" d="M5 260 C40 260 60 175 55 160 c -5 15 15 100 50 100Z"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="3" y="258" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="53" y="158" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="103" y="258" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="85" y="220">M, C, c, Z</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Remembrance Ribbon using m, c & s ==================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Rem_Rib_mcs" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="m 200 260 c 50 -40 50 -100 25 -100 s -25 60 25 100 "/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="198" y="258" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="223" y="158" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="248" y="258" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="165" y="210">m, c, s</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- 90 degree arc using M & C ============================================ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Arc_MC" fill="#0000FF" stroke="#000000" d=" M 360 100 C 420 90 460 140 450 190"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="358" y="98" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="448" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="360" y="150">M, C</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Circle using M, c, s, s, s & z ======================================= -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Circle_Mcssz" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="#000000" d="M360 210 c 0 20 -16 36 -36 36 s -36 -16 -36 -36 s 16 -36 36 -36 s 36 16 36 36 z "/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="358" y="208" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="322" y="244" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="286" y="208" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="322" y="172" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="290" y="265">M, c, s, s, s, z</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Inverted horseshoe using m, c & z ==================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Horseshoe_Mcs" fill="#F0F0F0" stroke="#FF0000" d="m 360 325 c -40 -60 95 -100 80 0 z "/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Markers for path control points ====================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<rect x="358" y="323" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="438" y="323" width="4" height="4" fill="#4A83FF" stroke="none"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="380" y="340">m, c, z</text>
<!--Legend and frame: Title, suite and SVG document serialization====-->
<g id="test-legend" fill="black" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10">
<rect x="10" y="300" width="275" height="50" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M10 315 h275 M205 315 v35 M10 336 h195 M205 332 h80"/>
<text x="25" y="311">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) v1.1 Conformance Suite</text>
<a xlink:href="copyright-documents-19990405.html">
<text x="12" y="347" fill="blue">Copyright 2002 W3C. All Rights Reserved.</text>
<text font-size="12" x="35" y="330">paths-data-01-f</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="327">$Revision: 1.1 $</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="345">Release 1.0</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
<!--= Copyright 2002 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
<!--= Reserved. See =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- paths-data-02-f.svg -->
<!-- 1.1 revision by Christophe Jolif -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' -->
<!-- element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the quadratic -->
<!-- Bezier curveto commands, Q, q, T, t (plus Mm and Zz). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Author : Lofton Henderson, 29-Feb-2000 (based on work -->
<!-- of Mark Sgarlato, Adobe). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- History: -->
<!-- 29-Feb-2000, LRH, Ser#1 created. -->
<!-- 12-Mar-2000, LH, fix test-framing rect; ser#2 -->
<!-- 03-Aug-2000, LH=" update DOCTYPE for CR DTD, 20000802" ser# . -->
<!-- 17-Aug-2000, JF=" fix duplicate ID bug" ser#3. -->
<!-- 15-Nov-2000, LH: add missing test-body-content group. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!--= Note. After October 2000, revision history is kept as CVS 'commit' =-->
<!--= log messages, and therefore is no longer in the preceding preamble.=-->
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg-root" width="480" height="360">
<SVGTestCase xmlns="">
Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path'
element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the quadratic
Bezier curveto commands, Q, q, T, t (plus Mm and Zz).
There are 7 subtests, each composed from the quadric Bezier path commands per
the label by the subtest. On-curve control points (i.e., the curve position)
are marked by small colored squares. Subtests are filled, or stroked, or
both, using simple style properties and colors.
The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
The test uses the 'rect' element, as well as basic fill (solid primary colors),
stroke (primary color wide and 1-pixel lines), font-family (Helvetica) and font-size properties.
<title id="test-title">paths-data-02-f</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' element and data (d) attribute in combination with the quadratic Bezier curveto commands, both regular and shorthand/smooth forms - Q, q, T, t (along with Mm and Zz).</desc>
<!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
<g id="test-body-content">
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="120" y="14">Quadric bezier curves drawn with commands:</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Quad Bezier with sub-path using M, Q, M, q, & z ====================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Bez_MQMqz" fill="none" stroke="#0000FF" stroke-width="3" d="M 15 20 Q 30 120 130 30 M 180 80 q -75 -100 -163 -60z"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="80" y="86">M, Q, M, q, z</text>
<rect x="13" y="18" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="128" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="178" y="78" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="15" y="18" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Quad Bezier with sub-path using m, q, z, m, q, & z =================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Bez_fill_MQzmqz" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="#CF0000" d="M372 130Q272 50 422 10zm70 0q50-150-80-90z"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="352" y="150">m, q, z, m, q, z</text>
<rect x="370" y="128" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="420" y="8" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="440" y="128" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="360" y="38" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Simple Bezier using M, Q, & Z ======================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Bez_stroke_MQz" fill="none" stroke="#00FFFF" d="M224 103Q234 -12 304 33Z"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="192" y="36">M, Q, Z</text>
<rect x="222" y="101" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="302" y="31" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Tri Bezier using M, Q, T, Q, & z ===================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Tri_MQTQz" fill="#00C000" stroke="#000000" d="M208 168Q258 268 308 168T258 118Q128 88 208 168z"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="308" y="188">M, Q, T, Q, z</text>
<rect x="206" y="166" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="306" y="166" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="256" y="116" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="206" y="206" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Double Bezier using M, Q, Q, & z ===================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Inv_V_MCcZ" fill="#CF0000" stroke="none" d=" M 60 100 Q -40 150 60 200 Q 160 150 60 100 z "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="80" y="200">M, Q, Q, z</text>
<rect x="58" y="98" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="58" y="198" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="58" y="98" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Sin Wave using M, q, t, t, t, t, & z ================================ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Sin_Mqttttz" fill="none" stroke="#FF0000" d="M240 296q25-100 47 0t47 0t47 0t47 0t47 0z"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="380" y="236">M, q, t, t, t, t, z</text>
<rect x="238" y="294" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="285" y="294" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="332" y="294" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="379" y="294" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="426" y="294" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="473" y="294" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none"/>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Double Spade using M, q, Q, q, Q, & z ================================ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Dbl_spd_MCcZ" fill="#0000C0" stroke="#00CF00" stroke-width="2" d="M172 193q-100 50 0 50Q72 243 172 293q100 -50 0 -50Q272 243 172 193z"/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="48" y="280">M, q, Q, q, Q, z</text>
<rect x="170" y="191" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="170" y="241" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="170" y="291" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="170" y="241" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none"/>
<rect x="170" y="191" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none"/>
<!--Legend and frame: Title, suite and SVG document serialization====-->
<g id="test-legend" fill="black" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10">
<rect x="10" y="300" width="275" height="50" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M10 315 h275 M205 315 v35 M10 336 h195 M205 332 h80"/>
<text x="25" y="311">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) v1.1 Conformance Suite</text>
<a xlink:href="copyright-documents-19990405.html">
<text x="12" y="347" fill="blue">Copyright 2002 W3C. All Rights Reserved.</text>
<text font-size="12" x="35" y="330">paths-data-02-f</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="327">$Revision: 1.1 $</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="345">Release 1.0</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
<!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
<!--= Reserved. See =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- path-curves-BE-04.svg -->
<!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to paths-data-03-f.svg -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' -->
<!-- element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the elliptical -->
<!-- arc curveto commands, A, a (plus Mm and Zz). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Author : Lofton Henderson, 29-Feb-2000 (based on work -->
<!-- of Mark Sgarlato, Adobe). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- History: -->
<!-- 29-Feb-2000, LRH, Ser#1 created. -->
<!-- 12-Mar-2000, LH, fix test-framing rect; ser#2 -->
<!-- 03-Aug-2000, LH=" update DOCTYPE for CR DTD, 20000802" ser# . -->
<!-- 29-Oct-2000, JF: add fill-rule:evenodd to one path to get same -->
<!-- visual result as before. Necessary because default -->
<!-- fill-rule is now nonzero. Update to ser#3. -->
<!-- 15-Nov-2000, LH: add missing test-body-content group. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!--= Note. After October 2000, revision history is kept as CVS 'commit' =-->
<!--= log messages, and therefore is no longer in the preceding preamble.=-->
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg-root" width="480" height="360">
<SVGTestCase xmlns="" >
Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path'
element and its data (d) attribute in combination with the elliptical
arc curveto commands, A, a (plus Mm and Zz).
There are 6 subtests, each composed from the elliptical arc path commands per
the label by the subtest. The curve positions
are marked by small colored squares. Subtests are filled, or stroked, or
both, using simple style properties and colors.
The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
The test uses the 'rect' element, as well as basic fill (solid primary colors),
stroke (primary color wide and 1-pixel lines), font-family (Helvetica) and font-size properties.
<title id="test-title">paths-data-03-f.svg</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Test that the viewer has the basic capability to handle the 'path' element and data (d) attribute in combination with the elliptical Arc curveto commands - A, a (along with Mm and Zz).</desc>
<!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
<g id="test-body-content">
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="120" y="14">Elliptical arc curves drawn with commands:</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Simple circle using MAZ ============================ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Arc_MAZ" fill="none" stroke="#FF0000" stroke-width="10" d=" M 25 70 A 40 40 0 1 0 25 69 Z "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="48" y="70">M, A, Z</text>
<rect x="23" y="68" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="23" y="67" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- filled arc using m, a, & z =================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Arc_fill_maz" fill="#00FF00" stroke="#0000FF" d=" m 150 100 a 50 40 0 1 0 25 -70 z "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="124" y="45">m, a, z</text>
<rect x="148" y="98" width="4" height="4" fill="#CF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="173" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#CF0000" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Unterminated arc using M & a ======================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Arc_Ma" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d=" M 350 245 a 40 40 0 1 0 80 60 "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="390" y="300">M, a</text>
<rect x="348" y="243" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="428" y="303" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Triple Arc using M, A, a, a, & z ===================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Tri_MAaaz" fill="#C0C000" stroke="none" fill-rule="evenodd" d=" M 270 30 A 50 50 0 1 0 345 30 a 50 50 0 1 0 50 0 a 50 50 0 1 0 25 0 z "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="280" y="135">M, A, a, a, z</text>
<rect x="268" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="343" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="393" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="418" y="28" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Tripple arc using M, a, Z, m, A, Z, m, a & z ===================================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Arc_MaZmAzmaz" fill="#CF0000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="3" d=" M 30 150 a 40 40 0 0 1 65 50 Z m 30 30 A 20 20 0 0 0 125 230 Z m 40 24 a 20 20 0 0 1 65 50 z "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="25" y="270">M, a, Z, m, A, Z, m, a, z</text>
<rect x="28" y="148" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="93" y="198" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="58" y="178" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="123" y="228" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="98" y="202" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="163" y="252" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Sin Wave using M, q, t, t, t, t, & z ================================ -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<path id="Sin_MAAAAA" fill="none" stroke="#FF0000" d=" M 215 190 A 40 200 10 0 0 265 190 A 40 200 20 0 1 315 190 A 40 200 30 0 0 365 190 A 40 200 40 0 1 415 190 A 40 200 50 0 0 465 190 "/>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="215" y="246">M, A, A, A, A</text>
<rect x="213" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="263" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="313" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="363" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="413" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="463" y="188" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<!--Legend and frame: Title, suite and SVG document serialization====-->
<g id="test-legend" fill="black" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" >
<rect x="10" y="300" width="275" height="50" fill="none" stroke="#000000" />
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M10 315 h275 M205 315 v35 M10 336 h195 M205 332 h80"/>
<text x="25" y="311">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) v1.1 Conformance Suite</text>
<a xlink:href="copyright-documents-19990405.html">
<text x="12" y="347" fill="blue" >Copyright 2002 W3C. All Rights Reserved.</text>
<text font-size="12" x="35" y="330">paths-data-03-f</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="327">$Revision: 1.1 $</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="345">Release 1.0</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "">
<!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
<!--= Reserved. See =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- path-lines-BE-01.svg -->
<!-- renamed for 1.1 suite to paths-data-04-f.svg -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the <path> -->
<!-- element and data (d) attribute in combination with the moveto, -->
<!-- lineto, and closepath commands - M, L, Z, m, l, and z. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Author : Lofton Henderson, 20-Jan-2000 (from Mark Sgarlato, Adobe). -->
<!-- -->
<!-- History: -->
<!-- 20-Jan-2000, LH, Serial#1 created. Matches 20000110 SVG spec. -->
<!-- 12-Mar-2000, LH, fix test-framing rect; ser#2 -->
<!-- 03-Aug-2000, LH=" update DOCTYPE for CR DTD, 20000802" ser# . -->
<!-- 29-Oct-2000, JF: add fill-rule:evenodd to two paths to get same -->
<!-- visual result as before. Necessary because default -->
<!-- fill-rule is now nonzero. Update to ser#3. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!--= Note. After October 2000, revision history is kept as CVS 'commit' =-->
<!--= log messages, and therefore is no longer in the preceding preamble.=-->
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg-root" width="480" height="360">
<SVGTestCase xmlns="" >
Verify the basic capability to handle the 'path' element, and its data attribute (d)
in combination with the straight-line path commands.
Four pairs of figures should be displayed in the
four quadrants. The shapes in each pair are identical, with one stroked and
one filled. Two pairs of concentric equilateral triangles are drawn using respectively
M,L,Z and m,l,z. The fill-mode default of "even-odd" means that
the inner triangle is hollow. Two pairs of staircase figures are drawn using
respectively M,H,V,Z and m,h,v,z.
The rendered picture should match the reference image exactly, except for possible
variations in the labelling text (per CSS2 rules).
The test uses the 'rect' element, as well as basic fill (solid primary colors),
stroke (black 1-pixel lines), font-family (Helvetica) and font-size properties.
<title id="test-title">paths-data-04-f</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Test that viewer has the basic capability to handle the &lt;path&gt; element and data (d) attribute in combination with the moveto, lineto, and closepath commands - M, L, Z, m, l, and z.</desc>
<!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
<g id="test-body-content">
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- First Group of Triangles using M, L & Z commands ===================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="160" y="14">Lines drawn with commands:</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="88" y="30">M, L, L, L, Z,</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="98" y="46">subpath</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="88" y="61">M, L, L, L, Z</text>
<path id="Triangle_stroke_MLZ" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d=" M 62.00000 56.00000 L 113.96152 146.00000 L 10.03848 146.00000 L 62.00000 56.00000 Z M 62.00000 71.00000 L 100.97114 138.50000 L 23.02886 138.50000 L 62.00000 71.00000 Z "/>
<rect x="60.00000" y="54.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="111.96152" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="8.03848" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="60.00000" y="69.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="98.97114" y="136.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="21.02886" y="136.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="42" y="162">stroked</text>
<path id="Triangle_fill_MLZ" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" fill-rule="evenodd" d=" M 177.00000 56.00000 L 228.96152 146.00000 L 125.03848 146.00000 L 177.00000 56.00000 Z M 177.00000 71.00000 L 215.97114 138.50000 L 138.02886 138.50000 L 177.00000 71.00000 Z "/>
<rect x="175.00000" y="54.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="226.96152" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="123.03848" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="175.00000" y="69.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="213.97114" y="136.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="136.02886" y="136.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" />
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="162" y="162">filled</text>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Second Group of Triangles using m, l & z commands===================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="96" y="180">m, l, l, l, z,</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="100" y="194">subpath</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="97" y="208">m, l, l, l, z</text>
<path id="Triangle_stroke_mlz" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d=" m 62.00000 190.00000 l 51.96152 90.00000 l -103.92304 0.00000 l 51.96152 -90.00000 z m 0.00000 15.00000 l 38.97114 67.50000 l -77.91228 0.00000 l 38.97114 -67.50000 z "/>
<rect x="60.00000" y="188.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="111.96152" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="8.03848" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="60.00000" y="203.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="98.97114" y="270.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="21.02886" y="270.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<path id="Triangle_fill_mlz" fill="#00C000" stroke="none" fill-rule="evenodd" d=" m 177.00000 190.00000 l 51.96152 90.00000 l -103.92304 0.00000 l 51.96152 -90.00000 z m 0.00000 15.00000 l 38.97114 67.50000 l -77.91228 0.00000 l 38.97114 -67.50000 z "/>
<rect x="175.00000" y="188.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="226.96152" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="123.03848" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="175.00000" y="203.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="213.97114" y="270.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<rect x="136.02886" y="270.50000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FF0000" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- First Group of Stairs using M, H, V & Z commands====================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="288" y="30">M, H, V, H,</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="288" y="46">V. H, V, H,</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="304" y="62">V, Z</text>
<path id="Stairs_stroke_MHVZ" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d=" M 240.00000 56.00000 H 270.00000 V 86.00000 H 300.00000 V 116.00000 H 330.00000 V 146.00000 H 240.00000 V 56.00000 Z "/>
<rect x="238.00000" y="54.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="268.00000" y="54.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="268.00000" y="84.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="298.00000" y="84.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="298.00000" y="114.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="328.00000" y="114.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="328.00000" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="238.00000" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<path id="Stairs_fill_MHVZ" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" d=" M 350.00000 56.00000 H 380.00000 V 86.00000 H 410.00000 V 116.00000 H 440.00000 V 146.00000 H 350.00000 V 56.00000 Z "/>
<rect x="348.00000" y="54.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="378.00000" y="54.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="378.00000" y="84.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="408.00000" y="84.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="408.00000" y="114.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="438.00000" y="114.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="438.00000" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<rect x="348.00000" y="144.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" />
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!-- Second Group of Stairs using m, h, v & z commands====================== -->
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="288" y="180">m, h, v, h</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="288" y="194">v, h, v, h</text>
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" x="304" y="208">v, z</text>
<path id="Stairs_stroke_mhvz" fill="none" stroke="#000000" d=" m 240.00000 190.00000 h 30.00000 v 30.00000 h 30.00000 v 30.00000 h 30.00000 v 30.00000 h -90.00000 v -90.00000 z "/>
<rect x="238.00000" y="188.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="268.00000" y="188.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="268.00000" y="218.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="298.00000" y="218.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="298.00000" y="248.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="328.00000" y="248.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="328.00000" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="238.00000" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<path id="Stairs_fill_mhvz" fill="#FFFF00" stroke="none" d=" m 350.00000 190.00000 h 30.00000 v 30.00000 h 30.00000 v 30.00000 h 30.00000 v 30.00000 h -90.00000 v -90.00000 z "/>
<rect x="348.00000" y="188.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="378.00000" y="188.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="378.00000" y="218.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="408.00000" y="218.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="408.00000" y="248.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="438.00000" y="248.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="438.00000" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<rect x="348.00000" y="278.00000" width="4" height="4" fill="#0000FF" stroke="none" />
<!--Legend and frame: Title, suite and SVG document serialization====-->
<g id="test-legend" fill="black" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" >
<rect x="10" y="300" width="275" height="50" fill="none" stroke="#000000" />
<path fill="none" stroke="#000000" d="M10 315 h275 M205 315 v35 M10 336 h195 M205 332 h80"/>
<text x="25" y="311">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) v1.1 Conformance Suite</text>
<a xlink:href="copyright-documents-19990405.html">
<text x="12" y="347" fill="blue" >Copyright 2002 W3C. All Rights Reserved.</text>
<text font-size="12" x="35" y="330">paths-data-04-f</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="327">$Revision: 1.1 $</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="345">Release 3.0</text>
<rect id="test-frame" x="1" y="1" width="478" height="358" fill="none" stroke="#000000" />
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