Commit 535abaf8 authored by Tebjan Halm's avatar Tebjan Halm
Browse files

Merge pull request #90 from erdomke/master

Initial Work on W3C Test Compliance
parents 4b1ff3d4 bd05ecbc
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<!--= Copyright 2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts =-->
<!--= Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en =-->
<!--= Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights =-->
<!--= Reserved. See =-->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
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<!-- animation-add-BE-09.svg -->
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<!-- Test 'additive' and 'accumulate' attributes. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Author : Jon Ferraiolo 11-Aug-2000 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- History: -->
<!-- 11-Aug-2000, JF: Serial#1 created. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!--= Note. After October 2000, revision history is kept as CVS 'commit' =-->
<!--= log messages, and therefore is no longer in the preceding preamble.=-->
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="svg-root" width="450" height="450">
<SVGTestCase xmlns="" chapter="animation" focus="add" testType="BE" BENumber="09" >
<!-- For the BE-01 case, 'Previous' elt. should target previous chapter-focus. -->
<Previous chapter="animation" focus="values" BENumber="08" />
<Next chapter="animation" focus="inherit" BENumber="10" />
<Parent chapter="toc" />
<Child testType="DT" DTNumber="01" />
Test 'additive' and 'accumulate' attributes.
Eight animations have been defined.
For each animation, ruler lines and text are provided to help show
what the correct behavior is.
The red text shows the values for attributes 'additive' and 'accumulate'.
The black text and ruler lines help show the change in height of
the rectangles over time.
In the first row, a single animation which changes the height of the rectangle
is defined for each picture.
The height changes from 10 to 25, and the animation repeats (total of two loops).
The four pictures show the effect with the four possible combinations of
'additive' (either 'replace' or 'sum') and 'accumulate' (either 'none' or 'sum').
In the second row, two identical animations change the height of the rectangle,
with each animation exactly the same as the corresponding animation in the first row.
Again, the four pictures show the effect with the four possible combinations of
'additive' (either 'replace' or 'sum') and 'accumulate' (either 'none' or 'sum').
Because two animations are animating the height, the effects of 'additive' and
'accumulate' are sometimes different than when there is only a single animation.
<title id="test-title">animation-add-BE-09</title>
<desc id="test-desc">Test 'additive' and 'accumulate' attributes.</desc>
<!--Content of Test Case follows... =====================-->
<g id="test-body-content">
<text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="14" text-anchor="middle" x="225" y="25">Test 'additive' and 'accumulate' attributes.</text>
<g xml:space="preserve" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="13.5" text-anchor="end" stroke-width="3" >
<g transform="translate(75,60)">
<text x="-10" y="14">0,4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="10" x2="20" y2="10" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="29">4,8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="25" x2="20" y2="25" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="replace" accumulate="none" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="100" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='replace'</text>
<text x="-15" y="115" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='none'</text>
<g transform="translate(185,60)">
<text x="-10" y="39">0,4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="35" x2="20" y2="35" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="54">4,8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="50" x2="20" y2="50" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="sum" accumulate="none" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="100" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='sum'</text>
<text x="-15" y="115" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='none'</text>
<g transform="translate(295,60)">
<text x="-10" y="14">0 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="10" x2="20" y2="10" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="29">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="25" x2="20" y2="25" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="39">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="35" x2="20" y2="35" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="54">8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="50" x2="20" y2="50" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="replace" accumulate="sum" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="100" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='replace'</text>
<text x="-15" y="115" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='sum'</text>
<g transform="translate(405,60)">
<text x="-10" y="39">0 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="35" x2="20" y2="35" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="54">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="50" x2="20" y2="50" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="64">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="60" x2="20" y2="60" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="79">8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="75" x2="20" y2="75" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="sum" accumulate="sum" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="100" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='sum'</text>
<text x="-15" y="115" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='sum'</text>
<g transform="translate(75,220)">
<text x="-10" y="14">0,4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="10" x2="20" y2="10" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="29">4,8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="25" x2="20" y2="25" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="replace" accumulate="none" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="replace" accumulate="none" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="140" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='replace'</text>
<text x="-15" y="155" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='none'</text>
<g transform="translate(185,220)">
<text x="-10" y="49">0,4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="45" x2="20" y2="45" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="79">4,8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="75" x2="20" y2="75" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
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<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="sum" accumulate="none" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="140" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='sum'</text>
<text x="-15" y="155" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='none'</text>
<g transform="translate(295,220)">
<text x="-10" y="14">0 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="10" x2="20" y2="10" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="29">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="25" x2="20" y2="25" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="39">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="35" x2="20" y2="35" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="54">8+ sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="50" x2="20" y2="50" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="20" height="25" fill="#44FFAA" stroke="#008888" stroke-width="4" >
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="replace" accumulate="sum" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="replace" accumulate="sum" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="140" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='replace'</text>
<text x="-15" y="155" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='sum'</text>
<g transform="translate(405,220)">
<text x="-10" y="49">0 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="45" x2="20" y2="45" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="79">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="75" x2="20" y2="75" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="99">4 sec. </text>
<line x1="-10" y1="95" x2="20" y2="95" fill="none" stroke="#880000" />
<text x="-10" y="129">8+ sec. </text>
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<animate attributeName="height" calcMode="discrete" additive="sum" accumulate="sum" repeatCount="2" from="10" to="25" begin="0s" dur="4s" fill="freeze"/>
<text x="-15" y="140" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >additive='sum'</text>
<text x="-15" y="155" xml:space="default" text-anchor="middle" fill="red" font-size="12" >accumulate='sum'</text>
<!--Legend and frame: Title, suite and SVG document serialization====-->
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<text x="25" y="401">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Conformance Suite</text>
<a xlink:href="copyright-documents-19990405.html">
<text x="12" y="437" fill="blue" >Copyright 2000 W3C. All Rights Reserved.</text>
<text font-size="12" x="35" y="420">animation-add-BE-09</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="417">$Revision: 1.1 $</text>
<text font-size="10" x="210" y="435">Release 3.0</text>
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#d {fill: red }
#d {FiLl: oRaNgE }
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